Approach an experienced neurologist for receiving effective dementia treatment

dementia treatment in Dubai
Approach an experienced neurologist for receiving effective dementia treatment

Dementia refers to a group of symptoms that ultimately causes decline in a person’s ability to reason, remember and think. This medical condition can significantly affect a person’s daily life. Obviously, when there is decline in the mental functions, the daily life and capacity to indulge in various activities get affected. It is widely believed that many patients suffer from this medical condition after crossing the age of 85 years. With the help of the current medications, it is possible to slow the mental decline.

More information about dementia

Dementia is not a specific disease, but it is the description of the state of a person’s mental function. When there is decline in the mental function from a previously higher level, daily living gets affected. The symptoms of the dementia are as following:

Cognitive changes
  • Memory loss that is noticed by others
  • Problem in communicating and difficulty in finding words
  • Trouble with visuals
  • Frequent confusion and disorientation
  • Problems with reasoning
  • Trouble while performing complex tasks
  • Trouble in planning and organizing
  • Poor coordination and control of movement
Psychological changes
  • Changes in the personality
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Hallucinations
  • Being suspicious with everything, paranoid
What are the causes that give birth to dementia?

Dementia is caused by damage to the brain. In simple words, dementia affects the nerve cells of the brain that ultimately destroys the brain’s ability to communicate with its various sections. The blocked blood flow to the brain can also cause dementia. When the blood flow to the brain is blocked, the brain does not receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients. This leads to death of brain tissues.

The risk factors
  • The risk of dementia increases after crossing the age of 65 years. However, dementia can occur at a younger age as well.
  • People with family history are also at risk of developing dementia. However, many people with a family history do not develop dementia symptoms and people without family history sometimes develop symptoms.
Diagnosing the dementia

The experienced neurologist does not jump to any conclusion but proceed in a very systematic manner. They ask the patient about medical history, review their current medications, collect information about family history of diseases and suggest certain tests such as the MRI test, brain scanning, imaging tests, etc. The well-versed and experienced neurologists make use of the latest technology to diagnose the problem and then develop a treatment plan as per the condition of the patient. For receiving the best dementia treatment in Dubai, you must approach an expert and experienced neurologist. Consult with the experienced neurologist, Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma, if symptoms of dementia are clearly visible.

Schedule your appointment with the experienced neurologist to treat dementia

If you notice that you or any of your loved ones have developed memory issues, or there are symptoms of dementia, then consult with the best neurologist doctor in Dubai. The expert neurologist can determine the cause. There are certain medical conditions that can cause dementia symptoms. It is possible to treat those medical conditions with the help of advanced treatment techniques. Early diagnosis gives time for proper planning and better treatment can be started. Thus, it becomes easy to improve the quality of life.