Treatment of Fibromyalgia in Dubai
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It is chronic in that it lasts three or more months in duration. It is diffuse, involving relatively large swathes of muscles. There are some distinct ‘trigger points’ on various parts of the body which are tender and, on applying pressure, send waves of pain across the entire muscle group. The term ‘fibromyalgia’ is self-explanatory; fibers that enwrap muscles (fibro), and -algia (a Latin synonym of pain). Nevertheless, with the ever-growing quantum of clinical data about this deeply mysterious and equally pervasive pain disorder, other unrelated features of the disease are being recognized. Cognitive dysfunction (fibro- fog), joint pains, inexplicable headaches, and clinical depression are other very common complaints that accompany this pain disorder.
Probable Causes of FibromyalgiaMany putative causes have been put forward; however, none of them is proven so far. Some of these probable causes are genetics, autoimmune mechanisms, stress, repeated trauma, diabetes, and chronic infections, etc.
Assessment of FibromyalgiaA very patient listening to the history of the patient, a suspension of disbelief (most doctors dismiss symptoms of fibromyalgia as psychological), eliciting pertinent ancillary symptoms like fibro-fog, and a thorough clinical examination to exclude other causes of a chronic pain disorder are mandatory to avoid missing or clinching the diagnosis.
Investigations for FibromyalgiaThere are no definitive blood tests, biopsies, or imaging tests that confirm the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Nevertheless, it is an accepted routine clinical practice to perform blood tests for autoimmune disease markers, metabolic tests, vitamin D and B12 estimation, and neurophysiological investigations like electromyography (a computerized method to study muscle activity) and nerve conduction study (mapping the nerve signals).
Treatment of Fibromyalgia in DubaiThere are many ways in which much-needed relief from debilitating pain can be offered to the patient. These include lifestyle modifications and specific neurotransmitter-enhancing medications (Gabapentin, Pregabalin and Duloxetine). Prescription painkillers, especially opioids, must always be avoided. An expert neurologist like Dr. Arun Sharma can skillfully guide the patient towards a painless life.