A tailored treatment plan and lifestyle changes: The best fibromyalgia treatment
Fibromyalgia is a very common condition that affects the life of numerous people. It is associated with fatigue and muscular pain. As per many health experts, this health condition affects women in comparison to men. Never ignore the symptoms of any health disorder and take immediate precautionary steps. Neither the fibromyalgia is a form of arthritis, nor it is associated with any inflammation. However, it is important to note that fibromyalgia is a type of soft-tissue rheumatism. This is a group of disorders that causes stiffness as well as pain around the joints. It also causes discomfort around muscles and bones.
Symptoms and signs that you need to observe
One of the most prominent symptoms of fibromyalgia is musculoskeletal pain. When an individual suffers from fibromyalgia, they complain of the aching and stiffness around the shoulder, neck, upper back, lower back and hip areas. Generally, the symptoms of fibromyalgia start in one section of the body, but there is a possibility that it might spread to different sections. The fibromyalgia pain can be described in various ways such as aching, burning, soreness, stiffness, etc. Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia admit that some degree of pain is always present. Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma is an expert who can treat fibromyalgia. The pain is generally experienced in the muscles. Some patients experience severe pain. After analyzing the condition of the patients, the experienced neurologist develops a tailored treatment plan.
Generally, when the physical examinations are conducted, the results appear normal and the individuals suffering from fibromyalgia appear healthy. However, specific examination of muscle can reveal the tender areas at locations that are known as tender points. The tender points are the points that generate pain when pressed. The expert neurologists who treat fibromyalgia utilize advanced techniques to diagnose the issue. Receive the best fibromyalgia treatment in Dubai after approaching an expert neurologist. The experienced and well-versed neurologist suggests the best medicine that is highly effective in fibromyalgia treatment.
Diagnosis of the fibromyalgia
With the help of the laboratory tests, it is not possible to diagnose fibromyalgia. The muscle biopsies, blood tests and X-rays appear normal. The diagnosis is based on careful history, and the doctors also conduct careful examinations. As per health experts, if a man or woman suffers from fibromyalgia, he or she has a history of widespread pain. Consult with the best neurologist doctor in Dubai in order to accurately diagnose fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a common health issue, but many patients get confused and undergo repeated evaluations before the actual diagnosis is made. It is very important to consult with an expert neurologist because diagnosis should be done in a precise and timely manner.
The exact reasons that cause fibromyalgia are not known, but it is believed that the presence of several chemicals in the brain is held responsible for the occurrence of fibromyalgia. The physical trauma, infection and injury can also culminate in fibromyalgia. After learning more about the condition of the patient, the neurologist suggests a suitable treatment plan and also suggests lifestyle changes.